dlvr.it is not updating my Facebook page. Help!

While dlvr.it is a very widely used tool that helps you update your Social Media accounts frequently, sometimes things do go wrong.  There are a couple common reasons that dlvr.it cannot successfully post updates to your Facebook page:

Please note: As of August 1, 2018, dlvr.it is no longer able to support posting to Facebook profiles. For more information, check out our support document.

Facebook imposed rate limits

Facebook's imposes rate limits on the number of items that can be posted to Facbeook by each user. dlvr.it can only post what they allow us to post, and when you post too many items, they disable posting for your account for a period of time. Once Facebook rate limit period ends, dlvr.it will begin posting new items to your Facebook page again.

Unfortunately, Facebook does not make their rate limits public, so we have little guidance on how Facebook applies their rate limit rules.


dlvr.it has lost authorization to post to your Facebook page.

Here are details on why dlvr.it can lose authorization to post to Facebook and how you can reauthorize dlvr.it to post on your behalf:


You can also set up alerts so that dlvr.it will notify you if we have lost Facebook authorization.

You haven't properly added dlvr.it to your Facebook group

This is a new process effective August 1, 2018 for Facebook groups. To continue with this process, please check out our support document.


Sometimes these errors are not the only reason that your posts are not being received.  It is common for your Facebook to reject one post temporarily, which does not result in dlvr.it losing connection and therefore, will not trigger alerts.  The best way to check for errors is to visit your Socials tab, click on your Facebook account, and click on Errors.  This screen will provide you with any errors that dlvr.it has encountered within the last week.


Check out dlvr.it's Facebook Auto Poster's free trial

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