How do I enable photo posting from RSS Feeds?

To set up photo posting on your feeds:

Please note: As of August 1, 2018, is no longer able to support posting to Facebook profiles. For more information, check out our support document.

1) Click on the Socials icon on the top of your dashboard


2) Click on the social account for which you want to enable photo posting


3) Click on Edit


4) Click on the Advanced tab


5) Toggle the Post As Photo


6) Click Save


Photo Posting Specs

  • Minimum image dimensions: 400 x 300 pixels
  • Maximum media file size: 3 MB (max media file size that can be posted to Twitter via API.)
  • Supported Media Types: jpg, png, gif looks for images to post in the following order:

1. Images in feed item body

2. Feed item media enclosures

3. Scan the page linked to in the RSS items to look for the OpenGraph tags.

At each step we look for the first image that meets our requirements (file type, size min / max). If no requirements are meant, the photo will not post.

Please also note that Facebook has disallowed services from choosing their own photos when we are posting a shared link. The images that Facebook posts will be taken from your OpenGraph tags.

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