How do I use my article title or summary as a comment with my posts?

Using your article title or summary as a comment above your Shared Link posts can create more fun and engaging posts.

Please note: As of August 1, 2018, is no longer able to support posting to Facebook profiles. For more information, check out our support document.

Follow these steps to include the title or summary with your shared link:

1) Once you log into, click the Socials icon

2) Choose the Facebook account you want to edit

3) Click Edit



4) Select the Comment Options: 

To include the title, toggle "Include Title in the message text above the Shared Link" to the on position - it will turn green.

To include the article summary, toggle "Include Body in the message text above the Shared Link" to the on position - it will turn green.

Click Save at the bottom of the page.




The next time posts to your Facebook destination, we'll include the title and or link of the article as comment on the shared link.


Here's a standard shared link post, without additional comment:


Here's a post with the added comment above the shared link:


To add a prefix and/or suffix to the comment area, fill in Begin Posts With or End Posts With in step 4 above.


Here's a post with prefix and suffix wrapped around the article title in the comment:


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