Enabling real-time updates with dlvr.it

We understand how important it is for your content to be delivered fast and in some cases, near real-time. That's why dlvr.it is utilizes PuSH (pubsubhubbub) updates for your real-time updates.

dlvr.it automatically activates real-time updates for your PuSH enabled feeds. You don’t need to make any adjustments to your dlvr.it settings to take advantage of real-time updates — we’ll automatically recognize PuSH-enabled feeds and subscribe to your hub. To determine if your feed is PuSH enabled look for the “hub” tag in your feed source — it will look something like this:

<atom10:link xmlns:atom10="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" rel="hub"
href="http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/" />

If your feed is PuSH enabled, dlvr.it will receive new items as you publish. We’ll immediately post those items to Twitter, Facebook and all your destinations.

In short, this means dlvr.it gets your content in front of your audience – Fast!

Keep in mind that if you are using a feed management service like Feedburner, there may be a delay between the time you publish and the time Feedburner picks up your content. This will lead to a delay in dlvr.it receiving your updates. More on Feedburner feeds and PuSH.

Superfeedr is another alternative PuSH provider.

PuSH is incompatible with the "Oldest" and "Random" Trickle options and PuSH updates are automatically ignored when one of these options is selected.

Please note: As of August 1, 2018, dlvr.it is no longer able to support posting to Facebook profiles. For more information, check out our support document.

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