With dlvr.it's powerful posting tool, you can quickly create, schedule, and queue posts for all your socials in one place.
Steps for creating a new post
1. Navigate to the New Post option under the Content tab:
2. Optional: Sort Options can be found in the social section submenu here:
3. Optional: Choose from posting groups here as well.
4. Optional: Choose whether to display social names in the posting tool:
5. Optional: Upload or attach image or video by selecting add media
6. Include a link by pasting a URL in the message area:
7. Add any text to be included in the post in this message area (this area will also display character count)
8. Optional: Emojis and a category can also be added here.
9. Additionally the posting tool now supports Smart Hashtags which can be added here by clicking the hashmark. This feature utilizes AI to generate hashtags based on what you are adding to the message area making it even easier to drive traffic to your post.
10. If each social network type needs its own custom post select Customize for each network. Each social network type will then display in a list instead of a single post. Each social network type can have its own message, image, and category set. Additional fields can also be edited and post types changed where applicable.
Some things to note:
- If there is a red circle around a '!' next to the "Customize for each network" option it means some item in the post is missing that is needed to post on one of the selected social media networks above.
11. Once the post is ready to go there are options to either share now, share next, add to queue, or Everqueue