You've invested your time and effort into creating a beautiful Instagram post. Sharing your Instagram posts on your other social networks is the easiest way to increase the impact of your Instagram photos.
Using, you can automatically post your full Instagram photos directly to your social networks and business profiles.
Here are examples of Instagram posts shares as full photos using's auto posting tools.
Instagram photo posted as full image on Twitter:
Instagram photo posted as full image to Google My Business:
NOTE: When you post photos on your Instagram account, you can choose to share the images with your other social media accounts, including Twitter. However, when you share your Instagram photos using this method, Instagram does not post the image to Twitter. Instead, Instagram just shares a link back to your Instagram post.
Instructions to start posting full Instagram photos across your social networks:
After logging into your account:
1) Click on Add New Feed
2) Click on the "Want to post from one social profile to another?" link
3) Click on the Instagram Business Icon
In order to auto post from Instagram, you'll need to start with an Instagram Business Account.
It's easy to convert your Instagram personal profile into an Instagram Business Account.
4) Enter your Facebook credentials and allow access
5) Click on the correct Instagram account and click on Connect
6) Click on "Next: Connect Socials" after verifying the configuration
7) Select the socials to which you'd like to post and click on Start Posting
8) You're all set! Your auto-posting Instagram feed will look like this:
-- And when you post new photo to Instagram, will automatically post out the full image to your social networks.