dlvr.it Guide to YouTube

YouTube is a social media and online video-sharing platform. To post to YouTube using dlvr.it you will first need a YouTube channel if you do not already have one:


Creating a YouTube channel:


1. Sign in to YouTube on a computer.


2. Click your profile picture  and then Settings .


3. Click Add or manage your channel(s).


4. Click Create a channel .


5. You’ll be asked to create a channel.


6. Check the details (with your Google Account name and photo) and confirm to create your channel.



Connecting your YouTube channel to dlvr.it


1. Log into the dlvr.it account and then head to the Socials tab


2. Click Add Social and select the icon with the YouTube icon.


3. Enter your Google account credentials when prompted. This will be the Google account associated with the YouTube channel you wish to connect.





Some things to note:

  • If the video is 60 seconds or less in length YouTube will publish it as a YouTube Short.


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