dlvr.it supports many outside link shorteners including bit.ly. We do default to our own link shortener, which means that your short links will start with dlvr.it when they are posted to your Socials. This does allow us to retrieve Stats for links including the clicks that were tracked on the post in question.
If you still want to activate bit.ly, follow the steps below:
1) Log into your dlvr.it account
2) Click on your Socials tab
3) Click on Short Links
4) Click on Add Shortener
5) Select bit.ly from the dropdown menu and click Connect
6) You will be prompted to enter your bit.ly credentials. bit.ly will then ask for your permission to shorten links. Click on Allow.
7) Once your bit.ly credentials have been entered, you are able to apply this shortener to existing Socials and to set it as your default shortener.