If you are a site administrator and wish to prevent users on dlvr.it from using your content for posting, you can let us know by updating your robots.txt file.
To prevent accidental blocking, dlvr.it does not pay attention to the "User-Agent: *" section of robots.txt. This is because dlvr.it isn't a normal "search engine"-type service. A user has to explicitly tell dlvr.it to retrieve the content, and we don't want to make it difficult on you or your users if you have blocked certain sections for general search-engine purposes.
To block dlvr.it, you can enter
User-Agent: dlvr.it
Disallow: /path/to/your/feeds
As with any other agent, adding "Disallow: /" will prevent dlvr.it from retrieving any content on your site.
The "dlvr.it" agent will also pay attention to "Allow: directives. This means that you can disallow some parts of your site while allowing others to be read.
User-Agent: dlvr.it
Disallow: /
Allow: /path/to/some/feeds
A plain "Disallow:" with no path means "Allow all"
User-Agent: dlvr.it