If your feed is PuSH (pubsubhubbub) enabled, dlvr.it automatically subscribes to PuSH updates from your hub. This means dlvr.it will get your feed updates immediately when your feed updates. Please note that PuSH updates are only available on our Pro plan or above.
However, there are some cases where you may not want dlvr.it to receive PuSH updates.
To stop dlvr.it from receiving PuSH updates for your feed:
1) Log into your dlvr.it account.
2) Click on the feed you wish to edit
3) Click on the Settings icon
4) Go to the Updates Tab
5) Toggle the "Subscribe to PuSH updates" to the "off" position:
5) Save
After you make this change, dlvr.it will no longer subscribe to your feed's PuSH hub -- and we'll continue to check your feed by polling your feed url according to your Feed Update schedule.