Google Analytics tracking tags can be utilized to track your success on Social Media. These tags will report any clicks on links that originate from your posts.
To integrate with Google Analytics, Omniture or another web analytics service:
1) After logging into your account, Click the social icon to display your social accounts.
2) Click the social account you want to add analytics too
3) Click the Edit button
4) Click the Links tab
5) Scroll to Analytics Box: Any text you place in the Analytics box will be added to the destination (long) url when a user clicks on your shortened link. will automatically add any necessary "?" or "&" at the start of the string. For instance, if your original link is , we'll direct traffic to
Click on the Google Analytics option to quickly add tracking tags. You can also use the variable options to customize tracking tags for more precise tracking of traffic sources.
Note: Do Not paste your Google Analytics javascript Tracking Code here. Rather, add custom Link Tags here.
6) Click Save
7) Log into your web analytics service and track your Social Media ROI Note: For Google Analytics users, look for in your traffic sources reports.