dlvr.it's trickle feature makes it easy to spread your posts out over time. This is a great option if you want to avoid overwhelming your followers and friends with sudden bursts of posts.
Here’s an example of how Trickle can help you:
In a publishing frenzy, you publish 5 new items in rapid succession. Without Trickle, all five of those new items are posted at once, flooding your friends and followers with your content.
With Trickle turned on, however, your content would flow out smoothly over time.
1) Let’s say your feed it set to update every 30 minutes, and post up to a maximum of 2 items per update. You turn on Trickle (post newest items first).
2) You publish 5 new items at once (items A, B, C, D and E).
3) We’ll update your feed, and of the 5 new items, we’ll post the most recent 2 (items A and B).
4) An 30 minutes later, we’ll update your feed again, and post the next 2 items (items C and D).
5) And an 30 minutes after posting C and D, we’ll update your feed again and post the final item (item E).
In the example above, you avoided flooding your followers and friends with 5 new posts at once. And instead, you spread your new posts over the course of several hours.
If you wanted to reverse the posting order and post the oldest items (E and D) first, that’s easy too. Just set Trickle to post oldest items first.
To start Trickling your content:
1) After you Log into your dlvr.it account, click the feed you want to turn on the Trickle feature.
2) Click Settings
3) Click Updates
4) Click the Trickle menu to display the Trickle options. Choose one.
5) Click Save