Why is posting delayed for my first post?

When you add a new feed to dlvr.it, you select when dlvr.it will make the first post to your Social Media accounts. Posting may be delayed because you selected "Post when a new item is published." If this is the case, dlvr.it will post the next time you create a new item.

If you did not change the settings and "Post the most recent item now" was highlighted during set-up, check

  • Are there items in the RSS feed?
  • Is the feed working properly?
  • How frequently are you asking us to check for new items?


A) dlvr.it will only post the items included in your feed. Older items on your blog that are not in your feed will not be posted by dlvr.it.

B) Once a feed has been added to dlvr.it, we default to the update frequency when the feed is checked for new items. If the older items in the feed didn't post, use our manual post feature to add them

dlvr.it will ask you during the setup process to select the time of your First Post and how we should post, whether to add to queue or to Automate the posting.  

When should we make your first post?


1) Post the most recent item now.

-- dlvr.it will retrieve your feed and post the most recent item to your social networks now. dlvr.it will post again the next time you add a new item to your feed.

-- This is the default setting.


2) Post the next time a new item is created

-- dlvr.it will not post anything now. dlvr.it will post the next time you add a new item to your feed.

-- If you add a new feed and nothing posts, this is typically the setting you've chosen during the feed set up process. If you want to post items in your feed, you'll need to delete the feed from your dlvr.it Route, then add it back again -- and make sure you've selected a different option for this setting prior to saving the feed.


3) Post all items in feed (up to maximum)

-- dlvr.it will retrieve your feed and post the most recent items in your feed - up to the 'Maximum Number of items to post per Update Period' you set in your Feed Update tab settings. Then dlvr.it will post again the next time you add a new item to your feed.

-- The default 'Maximum Number of items to post per Update Period' is 10. You can adjust this higher or lower in the "Feed Update" tab.


How often should we check for new updates? Paid accounts have more frequency options. 



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