dlvr.it's Power Search and Import/Discover allows you to schedule hundreds of social media posts in just a few clicks.
Power search for the top posts across Twitter, Facebook and the web. Then bulk schedule the best items for resharing across your social media pages.
Or import your top posts and images into dlvr.it directly from CSV file.
Instantly add weeks worth of social media posts in moments.
Import/Discover is the feature that will let you search for a hashtag, Feed, user, or keyword and import a lot of content into your EverQueue, keeping your Queue filled up without you even needing to touch it.
To use this feature, click on your Content tab, and click on Import/Discover.
Once on the Import/Discover tab, enter your content that you would like to find. You can search by hashtag, user, keyword, or even by RSS URL!
Our systems will import any content that matches your search terms. Simply check the content that you would like to add into your Queues, and proceed to the next step.
Once you've selected your Content, click on the Select Socials button, and add your Socials.
After you've chosen your socials, click which place you'd like to import to, whether it be to EverQueue, or Queue. Add your hashtags and your attribution, and click on Import Items.