Automatically reposting your content across your social media profiles can help you to reach new audiences that may not otherwise see your posts at the original posting time. Using our Echo feature will help you repeat these posts at a later time, cutting out the task of finding and repeating the post manually. Echo from can help to double your reach by reposting items twice.
Please note that due to Twitter's terms of service, we are not able to publish new Tweets when using Echo. We will, instead, publish Echo posts as Retweets.
To set up Echo, follow the steps below:
1) Set up your Feed
a) Click on Automate
b) Click on Add New Feed
c) Enter your Feed URL
d) Add your Socials and click Start Posting
2) To set up Echo, follow the steps below:
a) Click on your Feed Settings
b) Toggle on the option for Echo
c) Set up the correct number of days and hours between your original post and your Echo.
Please note that the minimum number of allowed hours between the original and the Echo post is 24.
d) Save
3) To set up a second Echo, follow the steps below:
a) Click on your Feed and click on Settings
b) Click "Add second echo" and set your second Echo time
You're all set!
For more information about how Replay can benefit you, check out our blog article "Boosting Your Followers by Reposting Content".